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Excited!? We are too! You are not going to be a part of a smart medical network!!

Sleep Consult

Sleep plays a very important role in maintaining good overall health. Most of us ignore the vitality of sound sleep. Being sleep deprived or having a sleep disorder doesn’t just make you tired or sleepy during day time, but it takes a great toll on your overall health.

Just to name a few, an untreated sleep disorder may lead to;
– High blood pressure
– Atrial fibrillation
– Stroke
– Diabetes
– Urinary incontinence
– Obesity
– Decreased concentration, foggy memory
– Accidents
– Irritability (relationship issues)
– Worsen underlying health conditions

Find out today if you have an underlying sleep disorder and if you need to see a specialist or undergo a sleep study!

Click on the link below, it will take you to a Questionnaire to fill out details about your sleep. You will then receive a report with recommendations (from US based sleep trained physician) to help improve your quality of sleep!


Or Fill this out to get more details;