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Harmful side effects of too much Screen time

In today’s day and age all of us use devices that have screens on it. In most cases, we are dependent on these devices, but how are they affecting our lives?

  1. In a large 10 year study done of about 4,500 kids, demonstrated that >2 hrs of screen time led to decreased ability of thinking and reasoning
  2. Another study done by UCLA showed that excessive screen exposure in schools led to decreased social skills and emotions in children
  3. More screen time leads to decreased melatonin in the body, especially blue light exposure. This leads to decreased sleep at night, hence leading to decreased cleaning of metabolic waste from the brain, which happens during deep sleep. And hence cognitive decline.
  4. More screen time leads to decreased physical activity, less calorie burning, that coupled with decreased sleep leads to weight gain, eventually metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  5. Not to mention the strain on the eyes, neck, shoulder etc leading to headaches, muscle strain, dry eyes
  6. Dry eyes is a big concern too – more screen time leads to decreased blinking of eyes than usual, leading to decreased lacrimation and hence dry eyes, and this makes them more prone to infections
  7. The American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry has established that too much violent TV shows, movies and music can lead to children becoming violent adults

1. Can too much screen time dumb down your kid?
Web MD. (Accessed 18 Feb 2019)
2. Kids and screen time.
NPRED. (Accessed 18 Feb 2019)
3. Unexpected effects of screen time.
Rally. (Accessed 18 Feb 2019)

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